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What if Pigs Could Fly? (An Attempt at Poetic Writing)

Joshua Janisse


About the Writing

As an editor, I didn't think that this poem required an introduction. It's simple and enjoyable, and I love it to death. -Samuel S. Sanders, Wave Editorial

The Writing

What if Pigs Could Fly? (An Attempt at Poetic Writing)Joshua Janisse
00:00 / 01:54

What If Pigs Could Fly?

(An Attempt at Poetic Writing)

Sitting in class, sometimes I zone out and leave the world behind. Have you ever stared into space and thought of the random possibilities of your imagination sprouting from your brain into reality? What if you could make your favorite car drift over the whiteboard filled with incomprehensible characters and make it do donuts in the middle? What if you looked to the left and saw a dinosaur playing the fiddle? What if the ground below your chair split apart, and you started to fall? What if, as you lost, it began to drizzle? Imagine a kaleidoscope of colors wrapping around your body like a ribbon, unraveling you into the chaos of your mind. 

What if you fell slowly? What if you fell through guacamole? What if you are hungry and all you think about is ravioli? What if it's the last match in your sports game, and you're just waiting for your team to beat the goalie? My friend taps me on the shoulder, although he doesn't snap me out of my creativity. My world shifts like a Rubix cube. 

What if you saw the endless possibilities of your mind branching into an ecosystem of thoughts and ideas? What if you followed your dreams? What if you didn't? What if you climbed high? What if you could face fears knowing you couldn't die? What if you jumped and were raised to the sky before you hit the ground? What if this is because pigs could fly? 

A stiff object poked me in the shoulder as I raised my chin from my hand. "Mr. Janisse, did you fall asleep in my class again? Don't lie." I looked her in the eye. "No, ma'am. "Then come give this problem a try." As I got up, I saw in the corner of my eye a little winged pig glaring at me in the window, turning around and clunkily fluttering away into the sky. 


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